Thursday, June 21, 2007

Getting There

Another Wednesday night, and I am feeling good about my progress. This is the first time I have done bead embroidery as an adult. When I was young I did a couple of the mandala pieces that were in the back of the brown native american beadwork book that I started with.

I am trying not to think to hard about finishing it off. I figure a great idea will hit me when the piece is finished.

Last wednesday I sprained my foot. So I have been laid up this week. My piece is further along than this picture shows. But being new to blogging I wanted to make sure I posted a picture before you got bored with just reading my words.

I started a new necklace for my mother while I was sitting around with my foot in a bag of ice. I'll post a picture of it tomorrow along with an updated picture of my June page.


s said...

I just visited your web page.
Your work is beautiful and believe me I was oohing and ahhhing.
I can't wait to see more of your page. I love what your doing.
I am doing the BJP un-officially.
I didn't know about it until after the first week of June was over.
However it inspired me to start my own blog, so I am new to that and new to beaded embroidery. I will be adding you to my growing list of people that I love to come see their progress.
I know also what you mean about this taking a year to do. For me it is also a healing, unraveling and putting back together process. It is moving me out of my comfort zone and into an area I never thought of going before.

M.J. Mullins said...

Intriguing - I can't wait to see how it turns out!

Jacqui said...

As Morwyn says, intriguing, the bead in the middle looks like a tortoise with sunlight bursting out from beneath it with rays of energy radiating out from it.

beadbabe49 said...

I love what you've done so far...will look forward to seeing more!

Judi D said...

What a cool center piece. How big is the page?

Timaree said...

Love the primary colors coming from that center. Can't wait to see more.