Saturday, July 28, 2007

Blending of My Two Selves

Now that Connie has picked up her necklace I can share the finished piece and the story behind it with you.
This piece is called The Blending of My Two Selves.
Dark and Light. Shadow and Bright.
The only way to be a whole is to blend these two sides of ourselves.
In this necklace the black and white beads turn and twist around each other until they meet at the focal bead where they blend into shades of grey. Look closely into the fused glass focal piece and you will see the person in their struggle to summit the hill. This struggle goes on within us each day. We have always been told to only show the bright happy pieces of ourselves, never the dark shadowy sides. But as we all know, those are integral parts of us, we would not be alive and healthy without them. That is where the red beads come into play, they flow through this necklace like blood flows through our veins, keeping us alive and healthy.


s said...

It is an incredible piece.
I love doing free form.
Your work is wonderful,

Ellen said...

Wow that piece is amazing - I love it!