Monday, June 22, 2009

Midsummer's Weekend

I ended up with the weekend off, due to poor planning on the part of my move, long story. So I decided what a great weekend to bead my June page.

On my peace island there is a little fairy village, at least I call it a "fairy" village. No one will tell you where it is, just that it is there somewhere. It took us 6 years to find it. The village is made up of stone houses, each one has a year on it, going back to at least 1956. There is an opera house, a church, houses and outlaying farms and bridges. The forest has taken some back with growth.

This is one of my favorite photos. On the right in the back is the little house, in front they made a fairy ring of rocks and planted a stick. Well the stick is sprouting, was it the fairies?

So of course my page had to include a fairy, giggling behind her hand, she will never tell.

Whether its remembering our awe and wonder, or its the idea of fairies out there creating magic, but something makes me very peaceful when I think on the fairy village, all by itself, in the forest that won't tell......


KV said...

I like this one a lot, Brenda!!!

Kathy V in NM

pam T said...

Wow Brenda, can't believe I missed this page! This is great! The fairy looks mischevious.